I’ve been shown that God loves diversity and He wants us all to see that. We are called to love the culture that we were born into and to share the things we love with others and to see the beauty of multiple cultures, traditions and peoples for they all are a reflection of the Father.
To the point. Our diverse mixed up world needs healing. Prayer can achieve what I cannot. Stop worrying and fretting. Pray more. Rely on Jesus to take care of everything. Share love, share Jesus with those who don’t know him. Be brave.
-Mary Ellen Weishaar
Earlier this year, after my routine blood test, my doctor said that I had hemochromatosis from iron overload. Hemochromatsis is usually an inherited condition. My ferritin blood count was very high so my doctor referred me to a specialist at RiverBend Hospital. After another checkup and blood test, the doctor said my results showed everything was normal. He told me I am very healthy and that there was no need for further testing and no need for medication. He said, "You're healthy!"
By the way, I went to the healing nights in September and October in 2024. It was after the October healing night that the second round of tests came back as healthy. Thank you, Jesus!
-Alma V.
At the healing night on November 14, 2024, I had about 50% relief of left hip and leg pain due to arthritis. Thank you, Jesus.
Doy gracias a Dios por su amor y su bondad de permitirme recibir este retiro, desde la preparación hasta el retiro completo. Doy gracias a Dios por todos los hermanos que trabajaron en este retiro.
Algunas gracias que reciben este retiro: sentir amor de Dios en mí, por mi sentir que Virgen Maria me acompañó y me ayudo a perseverar, y sentir que Jesús me miraba con ternura.
During the Day of Equipping I saw the wounds I’ve been carrying, the wounds which caused much confusion and led to my leaving the Church for 40 years. I see how God has been healing these wounds and that it was He with Mama Mary who brough me back. I see his hand in my daily life – His help in finding a plan to live when I moved away from Las Vegas...I wanted to go home to Oregon. He put me here close to St. Alice Church...so I can see His works that are rebuilding His Church so that His people can witness to those who do not know. God desires the healing of our broken world.
-Mary Ellen Weishaar
El Señor nuestro Dios, me regaló un testimonio de sanación completa, física y espiritual. Con Ezequiel 47:1-12. Y del agua que sale de lado derecho del templo, del agua que sale del costado de Cristo nuestro Señor. Con el Bautismo se forma un torrente de agua de sanación completa. Te gustaría conocer todos los detalles, llámame y lo compato todo completo.
-Israel Montes-Garcia